@extends("layouts.app") @section("title", "404 Not Found") @section("content")



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On March 22, the National Medical Products Administration issued the revised edition of the Technical Specifications List for Cosmetic Safety (2015 edition).            The State Drug Administration has organized and drafted “Detection Method of Free Formaldehyde in Cosmetics”, “Short-term Exposure Test of Rabbit Corneal Epithelial Cells in Vitro with Chemical Materials for Cosmetics”, “Skin Allergy: Local Lymph Node Test: DA”, “Skin Allergy: Local Lymph Node Test: BrdU-ELISA”, “Skin Allergy in Vitro with Chemical Materials for Cosmetics: Direct Polypeptide Reaction Test  “Detection methods of cantharidin and nitrogen mustard in cosmetics”, “Detection methods of 10 kinds of alpha-hydroxy acids in cosmetics”, “Bacterial recoveryRead More →

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